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香港求助人士中病態賭博與精神病合併症 (psychiatric comorbidity) 之間的關係

香港求助人士中病態賭博與精神病合併症 (psychiatric comorbidity) 之間的關係

問題賭博非常複雜,其中不少問題賭博人士同時會有其他心理健康問題。鑑於華人社區之中賭博與精神病合併症的研究非常有限,Shek, Chan & Wong進行了一項研究 (於2012年發表),其目的為(a)確定尋求治療的病態賭博人士中患有精神病合併症的流行率; (b)比較患有和沒有患有精神病合併症的病態賭博人士的人口統計特徵和臨床特徵; (c)探討病態賭博與精神疾病之間的關聯及兩者的時間關係。在該項硏究中,201名參與者為尋求戒賭輔導的人士,硏究小組根據美國精神病協會 (American Psychiatric Association) 的診斷標準 (DSM-IV) Axis-I為該批參與者作出診斷,診斷範圍包括各種情緒病、精神分裂症、物質使用障礙,焦慮症和調節障礙。結果顯示,128名 (63.7%) 參與者曾患有精神病合併症, 其中90名 (44.8%) 參與者在該硏究評估時被診斷患有至少一種精神病合併症。其中最常見的精神病合併症是情緒病、調節障礙和物質使用障礙。與沒有精神病合併症的病態賭博人士一組相比,患有精神病合併症的病態賭博人士的精神病病情、社會心理功能障礙和賭博問題更為顯著嚴重。

Associations between pathological gambling and psychiatric comorbidity among help-seeking populations in Hong Kong

Problem gambling is complex and often comorbid with other mental health problems. Unfortunately, gambling studies on comorbid psychiatric disorders among Chinese communities are extremely limited. Hence, Shek, Chan & Wong conducted a study in Hong Kong (findings published in 2012) with the following objectives: (a) determine the prevalence of comorbid psychiatric disorders among treatment-seeking pathological gamblers; (b) compare the demographic profiles and clinical features of pathological gamblers with and without comorbid psychiatric disorders; (c) explore the associations between pathological gambling and psychiatric disorders and their temporal relationship. Participants (𝑁 = 2 0 1) who sought gambling counseling were examined by making Axis-I diagnoses including mood disorders, schizophrenia spectrum disorders, substance use disorders, anxiety disorders, and adjustment disorder. Results showed that 63.7% of participants (𝑁 = 128) had comorbid psychiatric disorders in their lifetime, whereas 44.8% of participants (𝑁 = 90) had at least one comorbid psychiatric disorder at the time of evaluation. The most common comorbid psychiatric mental disorders were mood disorders, adjustment disorder, and substance use disorders. Pathological gamblers with psychiatric comorbidities were significantly more severe in psychopathology, psychosocial functioning impairment, and gambling problems than those without the disorders. (Extract from the abstract of Shek, Chan & Wong (2012))

Shek, D. T. L., Chan, E. M. L., & Wong, R. H. Y. (2012). Associations between pathological gambling and psychiatric comorbidity among help-seeking populations in Hong Kong. The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 571434, 15 pages. doi:10.1100/2012/571434

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